Honeybaby Series 3 Evil Union: (1 Blind Box)
Come to school for frightening technique! This series includes descendants of demons going to school to become the next generation. In order to pass the Advanced Level Examination for demons, their parents send them to Honeybaby College to master their "frightening technique". Sally, Sam, and Momo have become best friends and have organized an Evil Union with the aim of conquering the world using their frightening tactics. Terry, the kindhearted son of the werewolf, does not like the idea. He only wants to be a good boy for his mother.
This blind-box series consists of ten 3" characters: (8 + 2 secrets)
Sally - The little daughter of Medusa
Terry- Son of a werewolf
Sam - Son of Count Dracula
Momo - Daughter of Pharoah Samuel II